Monday, November 1, 2010

It's elementary, my dear book club boys

In The 100-Year-Old Secret by Tracy Barrett, the first book of the Sherlock Files series, Xena and Xander Holmes are tasked with solving their famous ancestor's unsolved mysteries. Using their genetic powers of deduction, the brother and sister solve a 100-year-old secret.

The boys in Garrett's Book Club for Boys were also able to hone their powers of deduction during October's book club meeting as they solved a jack-o-lantern deduction puzzle, ate traditional british treats, and played a life-sized game of Clue.

Using themselves as the suspects and a variety of possible household weapons, the boys moved one square tile at a time into each section of Garrett's house to try to deduce who did what in which room. After a slight learning curve, the boys caught on to how the solve the mystery and Caiden guessed the first culprit, room, and weapon correctly.

Unfortunately, before the boys could finish another game, moms came and they had to be happy to solve another mystery using their new magnifying glasses they received with next month's book, The Castle in the Attic.

Because of Veteran's Day, the next meeting will be on Thursday, November 18, at 4:00 at Garrett's house.